
<h1 class="subject">Which of these is the best website to buy books from?</h1>






These are the only websites I know right now. I was wondering which of these is the best one to buy cheap (but reliable) books from?

And do you think that I should buy it from here or just buy my books at my school? But I know people who buy it on these websites, because they say it saves them more money.

Thank you!

Amazon is a very reliable source and you can find cheap books that are in good condition. I always buy my books from Amazon and they haven't let me down yet.

I've been buying from Amazon for 10+ years, and never regretted it. I once bought a TV from them, and it was defective... they made it right, and I didn't have to pay shipping to send it back, or for the Replacement.

Also, if you're an avid reader, but can't stand the clutter of BOOKS, look at the Amazon Kindle. Its the only electronic reader put out by an actual book retailer, and has more titles available for it than any other reader on the market. It also features a cell-phone-type data link that allows you to buy more e-books wirelessly.

There is also an Amazon Visa card. Every time you spend 2,500 dollars anywhere Visa is accepted, they send you a $25 gift certificate.


Better World Books collects and sells books online to fund literacy initiatives worldwide. With more than two million new and used titles in stock, we’re a self-sustaining, triple-bottom-line company that creates social, economic and environmental value for all our stakeholders.

Amazon have a good reputation, they always get it right for me.

Except once, when I asked for Princess Diaries book 4 and they gave me the wrong cover. Because I hate mismatched covers in a series. But that's just me.

They have free shipping from the UK website.

xxx GG

I say Amazon but that's because I've used them numerous times and they've never failed me.

They have a good reputation as well.


amazon and http://books.com/


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