<h1 class="subject">Where is the best place on the web to buy text books?</h1>
Im in school and looking for a competetive choice for my books online? any suggestions?
it will search for the best price on lots of sites including everything that has been mentioned, it will also tell you which is cheapest taking into account shipping and membership costs. It will also search new and used and let you choose.
It used to be just books, now you can search for more.
I always used it in college. I average a hundred dollars on books for the entire semester.
You might check with the professor to see if edition matters. For most classes it does not and you can save a lot of money.
Online at the college or university you are attending. The used books are cheaper, but make sure you are buying the current edition used by the professor for your class. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070414122830AAcdLyE&kid=EbIpJUnHFTA2MCvxlDU7&s=comm&date=2007-04-14+18%3A55%3A33&.crumb=
Amazon.com or half.com. The company I order from goes through the school and they charge an arm and a leg so usually we get them through these two sites, but make sure they are the right editions. There have been many people that order the wrong edition and have to waste money sending them back and forth. Also, there may be a book-exchange program at your school where you can exchange with other students. If not a program, just ask.
one really good place to buy text books off of the Internet is amazon.com because they are not that expensive especially if they are used. If you go to barns and nobles.com, they would be way more expensive.
Also try Powells.com. Try all and see which gives you the best price for a certain textbook.
Campusi.com is a really good site. Amazon.com is good too.
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