
Sudoku, what are the best books you reccommend for beginners to internediate?

I just learned how to do sudoku and can do the easy ones really fast now, I am beginning to work on the medium ones and sometimes get stuck but not always.

Does anyone have any tips?

Also, what are the best books for beginners to intermediate(or someone like me) to work on and get better and eventually work up to the hard and challening puzzles?

i buy the books that the first ones are easy and they work their way up to difficult. it took me a bit to teach myself how to do them but then it became like riding a bike. i taught my daughter how to do them, she is 7. she loves them. our local dollar store carries pretty big sudoku books

I actually got my book from Dollar Tree, it has all different levels of challenges, goign from easy to hard. It was low cost as well.

There are so many books out there, taking a bit of time to search out the one that is right for you is probably a good idea. One that labels the puzzles from Easy to hard may help you out a bit so you can test yourself with more difficult puzzles.


i just got into sudoku too. it's really fun. you can find a lot of puzzles at book stores and even the supermarket at checkout!

will shortzes, new york times

go to any book store and they will undoubtedly have a selection of sudoku puzzle books. just grab the biggest one you can find.

Sudoku is for morons--thats why its so popular because only idiots love it, try a better brain improver like crosswords, anagrams, jumble, scrabble

You can buy a Sudoku for Dummies book at a book store. I have this book and it has some pages of explaination in the front of it plus puzzles.

You should find this link interesting.


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