
Eat the Book Writing Elephant One Bite at a Time

Have you started your book yet? No. Don't beat yourself up any longer. Keep reading this article; it was written especially for you. With the right focus and knowledge, you able to successfully takeoff and complete YOUR book within weeks.

Remember the old adage, Q: How do you eat an elephant? A: One bite at a time. The same applies to writing your book. How do you eat the book writing elephant? You eat him one bite (one step) at a time. More and more people are successfully completing their books in less time. Even your competitors are getting it done. Why not join them.

Here's a little of tips to get started writing your book:

1. Plan a significant book.

Many aspiring authors tremble in their tracks; they wonder if their book'll sell. Good question. No one wants to invest time or money into a sinking ship. Don't be afraid; test your book's significance. Your book is significant if it presents useful information, answers important reader questions, and impacts people for the good. If it's entertaining or humorous it could go further than you imagined.

It's significant, if it creates a deeper understanding of humanity, animals or this world. With one to three of these elements your book is worth writing. More than three, it has potential of producing great sales even to best seller status. Go ahead, write your book and make the world a better place.

2. Know who will purchase your book.

When you give your book a target audience, it will hit the mark of good sales. Top selling books focus on one main topic per book. When you target one audience at a time, each tip, each story or how-to will be more effective. Aim your message and you gain a competitive edge on many book writers.

Create an audience profile. Are your potential readers male or female? How old are they? Are they interested in self-help, mystery, romance, how-to books? What problems do they face? Are they business people or professionals? Are they techies or non-techies? Are they willing to spend $12-25 on a book like yours?

3. Write your book's thesis.

Did you cringe at the word thesis? For some, it brought back memories of English class and writing essays. No worries, a thesis simply reflects the main central thought of the book. Make sure the main central thought includes the greatest benefit of your book and you're done.

In other words, it should answer your audiences' question, "How will this book help, encourage or solve my problem for me?" Writing the thesis before you write the book will keep you on the path of focused, potent yet easy to read content.

All chapters support your book's main concept. For "Win with the Writer Inside," the thesis is "How to write, complete, and publish your best book fast." The best titles often include the thesis statement in some form.

4. Create your book's first title.

In the literary world it's called a working title because everyone knows it could and probably will change. You might decide to modify it or your publisher. Even so, working titles help direct and focus your writing.

Some non-fiction writing does better with subtitles. If needed, it clarifies the title. Confusing titles will miss the mark and sales. Which titles grab you and stir a desire to read what the author has to say: Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! or How to Teach Others About Money; How to Win Friends and Influence People! or How to Make Friends.

5. Make an inspiration cover early.

Keep it by your desk to inspire you. Book covers are the number one selling point of a book. Of course, in the beginning this is exclusively a working cover. Nevertheless it will help crystallize your thoughts and propel you toward the fulfillment of your dream. Remember, you have about 4-10 seconds to impress your audience to buy.

Browse the bookstores and the net to get a few ideas. Study the covers best suited for your audience. Choose colors that attract them. Consider blue and red for business books; aqua, yellow, and shades of red work for personal growth books. Avoid using much red; it makes many feel suspicious.

I admit it; getting started writing a book could become a huge elephant in the way of your book's success. Even so, it doesn't have to stay that way. You could do like the author did; eat the book writing elephant one bite at a time. Start today; complete and release your significant message to the world. Bon Appetit!


Buy Books Online if You Love Reading Books

People who are fond of reading books do not look for the places from where they can buy books, be it on-the-internet or any book store, but yes! The price of the books surely matters. It was years back when individuals personally had to visit book stores as well as buy books of their choice. Things have changed and now online books are the best option for readers.

Readers prefer to buy books online and get them delivered at their doorsteps. Of course when Internet has so many facilities associated with it then why not use them, it is far much well-to-do and beneficial to buy books online. People passionate about books need not rush into a book store rather sit at home and access online services to buy books online.

So many online book companies and online book galleries encourage buyers and readers to go through the update collection of books available online and buy them through a simple click of mouse. Yes! It is very easy to go through the online books collection and buy books online of your choice without even exerting yourself. Online facility even delivers the books to the destinations, as mentioned by buyers.

So, one can buys books online anytime and get them delivered without making major efforts. The mode of payment is very easy and this is a think why buyers prefer to buy books online. All those who want to buy the latest books must try to buy them online and enjoy reading. Hardly a matter of some time and you will get the latest books delivered at your place.

So, just go through the best online book portals that have the latest and broad collection of books with them, buy books online of your favorite author and enjoy reading day in and out.

Buy Books Online to Add More to Your Knowledge

If you like reading books and want to read book belonging to different kinds of genre then it is better that you search through the online book shops. Web is full of online book stores that offer the best collection of books to readers that too at very genuine prices. One can buy books belonging to different categories that cater to people of all ages.

Be it story books or academic books for intellectuals, one can buy books online by just clicking a mouse and get them delivered at a particular address. Sometimes, readers even find it difficult to select the best book from online collection of books but the bestselling guide helps them to buy books online that are in great demand. People have now started gifting books to their friends because buying books online in bulk turn to be extremely reasonable.

Even from a customer's perspective it is seen that online buying of books is a good option because it hardly takes any time to buy books online. Flipping through the web pages showing collection of variety of books is easy and less time consuming as compared to buying of books personally. One can keep browsing through the online book store collection and buy the best book.

So, keep checking the online collection of books to come across the best books. Try to buy books online and you'll surely enjoy reading these books. Without producing much effort you can enhance your knowledge by reading more books. Spend time with books and be a keen learner.

Start serving Internet to know more about literature works, as this will help you to update yourself with the latest facts and information. Buy books online and keep yourself updated with the latest stories, as this will surely add to your knowledge.


How is the best way to store old books?

I have four old first edition books from 1920's (winnie the pooh), I want to put them away for my 13 year old daughter till she is old enough to appreciate them, how is the best way to store them?

Wrap them in brown paper and store them in a dark and very dry cupboard is the best way. It's important that you keep them out of the sun.

I went on a course by an antiquarian book dealer and he said a thick layer of dust was the best way to protect old books.

Air tight container.

A dry, dust free, dark place.

in Greece-prof paper (to keep moisture away from it) in a cabinet with a key and put the key in a safe place so she can see them, but can't touch them.

Get a large toy box and put them all in there and then keep the toy box in the attic, if possible. Iv done this. Nothing can happen to the books and it keeps them out of the way.

Maybe youshould ask in libarian maybe in a plastic boxs for storaging and wrap it up with cloting

The best way to store books is to keep them in a dark place (direct sunlight will fade them) and a cool environment as dry heat could set fire to paper. I suggest a plastic box of dark colour in the loft in a less traffic place. Otherwise in a book case that is not in direct sunlihgt and remember to dust them quite often.


What is the best ipod to play audio books in the car?

I'm looking for an ipod to play audio books on the way to work, which is the best one and does it plug into the car somewhere?

Any ipod will play audiobooks. However, the shuffles don't show you what you are choosing to play, so I wouldn't recommend those. For plugging into a car, there are several ways to go:

A charger that goes into the cig lighter. $20

A transmitter that uses an FM channel - $20

A converter that uses a cassette in the cassette player $10

A combined charger/transmitter. $50

wider screen, better view


big screen

You can play audio books on any ipod. They are totally portable, and if you don't want headphones you can buy a device that plays it out loud. You can get anything from a shuffle to the new video nano, depending on your budget and how much use you will get out of it.

they all play to the same quality, im not sure how large of file an audiobook is but that is the thing that you would consider, i own a 30 gig ipod and have used about 10% of it with all of my music.

To listen in a car, you need to buy either an fm transmitter or a tape deck converter


What's the best place to find good children's books?

I'm looking for books to starting off teaching my 3yr old and 5yr old to read...and I'm shopping online, so any good ideas? like what type of books are the best or helped for your kids?

Depends on what you want to teach your children. If you're talking cultural, you'd want a merchandising mag from that country. If you're talking general (English, numbers, etc.) then you can check out Amazon, Borders, Barnes & Nobles, etc.

A more fun and money saving way would be to join up at a local library, that way you can change the childrens books so its not always the same and it doesnt cost you what it would to buy books your children will never read again when they are bigger. Also you can change the books to grow with your childrens knowledge...

Good Luck!!

I've written a few pages about my own kids' favorite books. They're all really common and you can find them anywhere. I mainly focus on more "fun" books that actually teaching books. For teaching reading skills I recommend the BOB books. They're only about $12 for a set and my kids really enjoyed them - once you know what you want, Amazon is the easiest (because you don't have to go through the whole shopping extravaganza with kiddos in tow) and I think they still have a buy 3/get the 4th free promo going on now with most of their books and you save on gas by getting free shipping over $25. I live in the boonies, so online shopping is my friend.

As a former teacher, I highly recommend Usborne Books. They are a publishing company based in London that have fantastic selections that are both challenging and engaging to young readers.

I have bought quite a few because my almost 2 year old reads them over and over again. Usborne has books for readers up to teens, so there would be something for your children as well.

Some specialty children's stores carry them. Borders carries some of them. I would check to see if there is a seller in your area (they do parties kind of like Pampered Chef).



if you click on a book and then look to the right, sometimes they have discounted used books that you can buy for a cheaper price then buying it straight out brand new. I buy $20 books for $3 a lot of times, it can add up in savings!

Also, because books are pricey, I have found going to a used book store can save a bundle! Plus they basically look brand new!




Dr. Seuss books are great for kids learning to read. Reading to kids even before they start learning to read is also beneficial.

Barnes and Noble is awesome! I really like these books, and a lot of times you can find "bargain" books.

Your local library.

I buy a lot of my books from TJMaxx, Marshalls and Berlington Coat factory. They are so cheap and in great condition, new.

chapters/indigo has everything! (in stores and online)


What are the best ways to study college text books?

What are the best ways to study college text books effectively? The chapters in my college text books are long and detailed and take a lot of time to just read word for word. Can any of you recommend some good strategies to extract the most important information from the texts without actually reading all the chapters word for word?

You should take notes down while you read. Then add stuff in from after you've finished and even put some pictures down if you need to. Class notes are always good to use to.Also, this always works for me, make glossary cards. Write down a word on a piece of paper of a card (make the size around 12cm by 8cm, or 5 inches by 3 inches) then write its definition on the back. There easy to carry around and a great way to revise during spare time or before class.

Most importantly, don't try cramming facts and what you've just read. Take it slow,read it, re-read it and sort of memorise it. It's much more affective.


Sometimes they have online summaries (look up your publisher), and there's always spark notes ;) ;)

Speed reading. You skim the chapters and take notes while you read. Then when you are done, you go over the notes and anything you didn't understand look it up on the good old internet and you can go from there.

At the end of the chapters in most books, there is a section that gives an overview of the important points that were covered. I would also look at the headings of the paragraphs/sections to see what key phrases you should be looking for.

I hope this helps, good luck!

Take notes in class. I found once I wrote it down, I never forgot it. Besides, most professors only lecture on the important points, so the stuff they don't intend to quiz you on, they omit. I found as an architecture student, it wasn't all that important to memorize every little thing because I always kept reference books nearby. Maybe it would be different if I was a doctor though.



What are the best real estate books to begin with for self-education?

I'm looking to change careers into real estate, and have a personal interest in beginning a portfolio of investment properties. What are the best books out there dealing with real estate finance, buying foreclosures, renting properties, flipping, and understanding the general market? Also, what newspapers/magazines do you recommend?

There are some good books out there but generally they give you either the view from 30,000 feet or they is an agenda that is not grounded in reality. The best thing to do is to get specific about what you want to do in investments: residential, multifamily, retail, office, ground leases, part of a TIC, an investment team, or single source investment. Then know your market where you want to invest. Get to know everyone that can effect or support your investment area: city planners, neighborhood associations, etc. There are loads of things you should do but first you need to get specific about what you want to do.

I am not really sure on what is all out there today but when I started I bought the Carlton sheets (I hope I spelled it right). This information gave me all of the tools for real estate investing. I did purchase a 3300 sq ft home and a business with only 300 dollars in my pocket. My wife and I now have a six figure income and will be absolutely debt free in 28 more months.

One of the first books my husband's broker gave him was The Millionaire Real Estate Agent By Gary Keller, Dave Jenks, Jay Papasan.

If you take your test and pay your dues to the National Association of Realtors, you’ll receive Realtor magazine and have access to their on line articles.

There are soooo many.

For a good general investment book go with Jay DeCima's Investing In Fixer Uppers, it's one of the best I've read with all practical information that's realistic. A lot of books have things that are great in theory, but very difficult to work out in real life.

When you're ready to really do it find a local agent whom works with investors and can help educate you on investing in your area. Every market has different resources for finding good deals and experience is worth a lot when you're investing in real estate and local market information can't be learned from a book. It may be difficult to find a good agent whom you like and is willing to work diligently on your behalf, but it's worth it. Knowing your market intimately is the key to making money investing, particularly if you're flipping houses.


What is the best website to buy used school books for cheap?

I need an english and history book. Please let me know the best websites to buy some used school books. For High school JR. Thanks

I find that amazon is surprisingly cheap when it comes to buying used textbooks. All you have to do is type in the information on the book and then choose the option t buy it used. When you buy it off their site used, you are directly buying it from the seller. A lot of people try to compete with prices so you find that this makes the books alot cheaper.



Amazon is pretty good they sell new and used books.

Try http://www.bigwords.com, this is where I sold and bought books.


What is the best way to study college text books?

What are the best ways to study college text books effectively? The chapters in my college text books are long and detailed and take a lot of time to just read word for word. Can any of you recommend some good strategies to extract the most important information from the texts without actually reading all the chapters word for word?

I generally outlined all my college material. I found writing it (rather than just highlighting) was a good learning process. Then I outlined my outline onto flash cards for studying. I also made graphs and charts...the visual picture came back to me during tests. You might also want to look into some speed reading tips to make reading faster overall.

I can't say much for college studying as I am still in high school, nevertheless it is always helpful to have a self-examination of what you need to study the most and check headlines for topics you feel need reinforcement. In my experience though, it is best to read and reflect. In other words, read a paragraph then absorb and restate to yourself what it means. a final effective manor would be to break the work with friends and have them split the reading then exchange the information in easy memorizable terms.

high lite all words meanings, dates, important amounts and names of important people. Most of the time the dates will give you the events and the highlighting people will tell you what they did and dates will tell you when an event happened. My strategy.

I normally go to the end or beginning of the chapter to where they have the main points and key terms listed. Then I go to the part in the chapter that this term is discussed and read its context. This gets you to study the most important stuff first. Then you can go back and skim the rest if you like.


Sudoku, what are the best books you reccommend for beginners to internediate?

I just learned how to do sudoku and can do the easy ones really fast now, I am beginning to work on the medium ones and sometimes get stuck but not always.

Does anyone have any tips?

Also, what are the best books for beginners to intermediate(or someone like me) to work on and get better and eventually work up to the hard and challening puzzles?

i buy the books that the first ones are easy and they work their way up to difficult. it took me a bit to teach myself how to do them but then it became like riding a bike. i taught my daughter how to do them, she is 7. she loves them. our local dollar store carries pretty big sudoku books

I actually got my book from Dollar Tree, it has all different levels of challenges, goign from easy to hard. It was low cost as well.

There are so many books out there, taking a bit of time to search out the one that is right for you is probably a good idea. One that labels the puzzles from Easy to hard may help you out a bit so you can test yourself with more difficult puzzles.


i just got into sudoku too. it's really fun. you can find a lot of puzzles at book stores and even the supermarket at checkout!

will shortzes, new york times

go to any book store and they will undoubtedly have a selection of sudoku puzzle books. just grab the biggest one you can find.

Sudoku is for morons--thats why its so popular because only idiots love it, try a better brain improver like crosswords, anagrams, jumble, scrabble

You can buy a Sudoku for Dummies book at a book store. I have this book and it has some pages of explaination in the front of it plus puzzles.

You should find this link interesting.


My brother has a hugh collection of rare books. What is the best way for him to sell them?

My brother is retired and has collected rare books for years. He has rare sets of books, etc. Is E-Bay the best way to go. He doesn't know much about the internet so needs some advice.

the first thing you need to do is see how much they are worth. then you could sell them on e-bay, but for how much they are worth. if not e-bay, you could always have a yard sale and sell it there. but if you do put them on e-bay, you should leave the date on the book and say how much its worth. but do not sell the book for under what it is worth, then other people will buy them and then they will sell them for more getting them more money. you said he doesn't know much about the Internet? here is what you do: 1 take a photo of the books ( you can sell them all together or apart) 2 go on www.e-bay.com and if you don't have a account make one. 3 go to sell or it should say something like that. 4 upload the photo. 5 then all you have to do is put down the price and like i said how much the book is worth and the date on the book. then you just wait till someone sees it. i hope this helps :-)

a regular auction with a place that specializes in rare books will be the best way to go - most people on ebay look for flea market bargains, not rare collectibles

he should have them appraised first to find out their worth. Then if listing on ebay give a good starting bid. Why sell something for little if it is worth a mint

Take it to a really good librarian let her check it out then find out then maybe she can pay u or something


What Is the average minimum amount of books sold and money earned to make it on the NY Best Seller List?

Wondering what is the average minimum amount of books needed to be sold to make the NY times best sellers list, and how much money would that book usually make?

From Wiki:

The list is created by the editors of the "News Surveys" department, and not by The New York Times Book Review department, where it is published.

The list is based on weekly sales reports obtained from selected samples of independent and chain bookstores, as well as wholesalers, throughout the United States. The sales figures are widely believed to represent books that have actually been sold at retail, rather than wholesale figures,[3] as the Times surveys a number of actual booksellers in an attempt to better reflect what is actually purchased by individual buyers. Some books are flagged with a dagger (†) indicating that a significant number of bulk orders had been received by retail bookstores.

The exact methodology used in creating the list is classified as a trade secret.[4] As of 1992, according to Edwin Diamond in his book Behind the Times, the survey encompasses over 3,000 bookstores as well as "representative wholesalers with more than 28,000 other retail outlets, including variety stores and supermarkets."[4]

The list is divided into fiction and non-fiction sections, with each containing ten to twenty titles. Expanded lists showing additional titles are available online through the Book Review website. In early 1984 the "Advice, How-to and Miscellaneous" list was created because advice best-sellers were crowding out the general non-fiction list.[5] In July 2000 a children's literature section was created; some publishers complained that the Harry Potter series wouldn't leave the top spots on the list and was not leaving enough room for their books.[6] Starting with the September 23 2007 issue, the paperback fiction list was divided into two lists, "Trade Fiction" and "Mass-Market Fiction", because "it gives more emphasis on the literary novels and short-story collections reviewed so often in our pages".[7]

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