My husband wants to market his books and what is the best way to get the most publicity for it?
My husband wants to market his books what is the best way to go about it. He writes juevinille fiction/ fantasy. Its good, but we need a good way to market his books. Do you know of any good marketing stratagies?
First, remember that what your husband proposes to do is almost literally impossible. There are as many as 130,000 new titles brought to the market every year, and only a few are successful. About 7,000 new titles by new authors are presented to the market for each one that becomes a sales success.
NEVER, EVER under any circumstances spend any money on a book marketing project that you cannot afford to flush down the tubes.
Now that I have made you thoroughly angry, read through the resolved questions at length, as one other person suggested. "How do I publish/market my book" is one of the most discussed topics on the planet. actually works, though it is rare for anyone to make any real money that way. But it could happen. Also try looking up the National Association of Independent Publishers' Representatives. You might find someone there that can help you.
Good luck. Don't give up your day job.
Unless I knew about how he had the books published (self, small press, major publisher), I could only hazard a guess that he might try to find a publicity agency or other professional literary service. Also, there are many websites that he might pay to advertise on, depending on the genre. The best thing you can do before embarking on such a venture is to research the market, and see what's available.
Not too sure any of this will help? But...
Try listings below:
Looked up "Publishing Books"
And info was given....
Nevermind persiphone...she never gives real answers...just tells everyone to look in resolved assuming nobody new has something to say.
If i were you, I would take maybe 50 books or so and give them to kids at various schools (no more than 5 books per school) and ask them what they think of it. (make sure you give them to kids who you think will actually read it) If your hubby is a good writer, the kids will tell everyone about it. Just make sure his books are available at the bookstores and so the kids can get it. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising. As long as you didnt publish your book at one of those rip-off publishers like it shouldnt cost more than a few hundred dollars to give away 50 books.
I remember reading a fantasy book in 8th grade. I told everyone about it and half the class went out and bought the book.
Anyway...thats just one idea. Might work, might not, but from what i heard harry potter almost didnt make it to press until some literary agents child started reading the manuscript and couldnt put it took off from there.
Go to the Resolved Questions section of this forum and you will find hundreds of answers to the same question. Spend some time reading.
Then go out and buy him his own copy of Writers Market. C.
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